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Film and Sound Designer

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Personality tests

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Leather Camera

16 personality test- ADVOCATE

As an advocat my biggest traits are idealistic and principled. Success isn't measured my money or status for advocate personality but rather fulfillment and doing good in the world. They want job that has a deeper meaning in the world. Advocates want a job that can allow them to help others. A strenth is we are passionate but don't like feedback.

Max Personality Test: ENFJ Mentor

As an ENFJ mentor I am extraverted, a visionary, mentor, intuitive, and visual. These types of people often are social and want to see and help others reach their fullest potential. They make decisions with their heart and highly value relationships. ENFJ are also right-brain people.

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Me in a nutshell

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My Management Philosophy

My management style would consist of a hands-off approach to show trust but with a clear understanding of expectations. Even with a hands-off management style I would still have check ins and progress reports to evaluate who can handle completing a task without anyone looking over their shoulder and who needs more guidance and motivation. I am hiring employees based on a set of skills they possess so a hands-off approach gives me more time to focus on my side of the business and the employee the ability to either get the job done or learn from their mistakes. This also gives employees the ability to put out fires on their own.

Business: Text
Image by Annie Spratt

10 Management Rules

  1. Trust. The workplace should have trust that you can get your job done and if you need help ask. 

  2. Respect so everyone feels they have a voice. 

  3. Ambition. Everyone should be looking into the future and should have ambitions. 

  4. 100%. When anything is done or turned in it should be 100% thought through and done 

  5.  Time management. Always prioritize the most important deadlines first and get everything in on time.

  6.  Be yourself. I hired you for a reason, so be yourself within your work. 

  7. Credit. Always give credit where credit is due. 

  8. Truth. Be truthful whether you are late to work or make a mistake. 

  9. Equal. Treat every client the same no matter the money they bring in. 

  10. First Impressions. You can only make one first impression so make it a good one. 

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Everything You Need To Know

Image by Emily Morter

The Why


For my Management style I chose it because it is how I work best and it is how my dad runs his company. From him I know there4 are flaws with hands-off approach but I still think its highly effective. For my team values and agreements they are mostly what I have picked up from working different jobs. They are basic ideals that everyone should follow for a buiness to run smoothly.

Image by Rohan Makhecha

New Insights


I have come to find out how hard it is to go from being an employee to having people to manage, especially when it is at the same company. Having people under you and having to rely on them can be difficult. Another insight I have gained is that there have been many managers and leaders who try and break down management into acronyms and other ways to try and teach it but there is a unique style of management for everyone.

Image by Millo Lin

New Insights


I am highly principled and creative with a visionary mindset. I need a job that I can feel fulfillment in and help people in one way or another. “A rising tide raises all boats” I want to see everyone reach their greatest potential. I am extroverted but will speak up when I feel strongly enough about something. I am empathetic but can also be the voice of reason in the room.

Image by Ricardo L

Why Should Artist Understand Business Management


Most of the time in a creative industry you are either selling yourself or selling an idea. It is helpful to be able to view your proposal from a business side and be able to account for those questions because not everyone has the creative vision as artist and need a more numerical instinctive. There are a lot of moving parts in the creative job such as a film set so knowing how to manage people will be useful whether it is one person or the whole set that you oversee.

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